1. See Fig.5.Locate the shock absorber connecting rod Fig.5.and rod end. Disconnect the rod end from the "Y" p iece by removing nut and lockwasher. Pull rod end off of stud. Manually depress head several times allowing the head to open after each time it is depressed. If the head will now open sufficiently the problem can be corrected by loosening rod end jam nut and then screwing the rod end further on to the connecting rod one or two complete turns. Retighten jam nut. replace rod end on stud and reassemble lockwasher and nut. Make sure to tighten nut securely.

    2. If after completing check as described above the head does open far enough: locate high pressure cylinder Fig.6.Loosen clevis jam nut. Insert a metal rod into the adjusting hole in the cylinder piston rod, and screw the piston rod into the clevis one complete turn. Test press opening. When opening is satisfactory retighten the jam nut.

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